Hi there!

I’m Deyo! Thanks for stopping by my webpage! Here you’ll find a hub of my works, thoughts, and hopefully a little sense of who I am. So please grab a drink and some popcorn like this guy in fig 1.1, and continue scrolling below to learn more about me or go ahead and navigate to the Theater, Gallery, or Meditations at the top of the page!

Figure 1.1

Figure 1.1

About Me

Figure 1.2

Figure 1.2


So… I can tell you all the right things about myself right now. The perception I would love to give you, one that I’ve been building up my whole life. But here’s the thing, a pandemic happened within our lifetime. A pandemic where we were able to stop and think about our lives like we never have before. And after about a month or two of intimately learning the four walls of a singular room, there came a time where there was nothing else to do but face ourselves and this world. Dive deep and see who we wanted to be in this world and what impact we wanted to have on it.

Before the pandemic I would tell you I’m an actor, a dancer, an artist. I would tell you about my brief time on BuzzFeed and whatever other works I was involved in to showcase my “talent.”

Now that we’re somewhat coming out of the pandemic (maybe?), I will tell you that I am still very much an actor, one that is working on being more skillful and honest in the craft. But even more so, I am a human, and I am most definitely an uncle (or in Tagalog as my nephew likes to call me, a tito). I am an empath who sees more grey than black and white. I am someone lucky enough to have a loving immigrant family, one that has looked out and paved every which way they can for me to succeed. In a traditional sense? No! But they taught me how to be a caring, nurturing, and selfless human being. And with only one life to live, that is success.

I’m a Filipino, I’m an American, I’m a 90’s kid, I’m a groover, I’m an intellect. I smile, I laugh, I cry. I’m a forever student, I’m a drummer in training. I’m a gamer, I’m a Tito, I’m a card mechanic, I’m a weirdo, I’m up quarks, down quarks, and electrons. And it would be my honor to be the bridge between you and the understanding of another life.

Photos by Jane Tsui

Photos by Jane Tsui